A customer-oriented service
My/your objectives
The correct identification of legal requirements that define the rate of customs duty is essential to avoid
undue tax payments, higher taxes and customs sanctions
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Company procedures that comply with the customs regulations to avoid any risks of tax inspections
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Customs law offers opportunities and resources to companies; embracing these can allow a company to diversify
its position on the market.
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Deal with customs procedures faster and at reduced costs.
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Take advantage of my competence
Discover the services for your company
- Audit et optimisation des procédures et des coûts douaniers
- Assurer la conformité de votre entreprise
- Questions relatives à:
- classement tarifaire
- détermination de l’origine et de la valeur RTC, RCO
- Marquage d’origine « made in »
- Mesures européennes de défense commerciale
- Demandes administratives auprès de la douane italienne
- Obtention de la certification OEA
- Procédures de dédouanement domiciliées
- Mise en œuvre des accords de libre-échange
- Webinaires
- Formation en entreprise
- Séminaires individuels
- Règlement des infractions douanières
- Face à l’Administration, devant les juridictions de l’ordre judiciaire et administratif, communautaires et italiennes
- Enquêtes OLAF
I attend to your company’s needs at international level
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Aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat duis aute irure dolor.
Elena Bozza Lawyer
My name is Elena Bozza and I have been practising as a lawyer specialised in customs law for over 15 years,
providing European companies with advice, assistance and legal counsel in administrative matters and before the courts. In my capacity as Counsel for the Legalitax law firm, specialised in tax law, I am in charge of the Customs Division. I live in Rome but work around the world without territorial limits, favouring digital instruments that make it possible to offer clients greater efficiency and a reduction of costs.
Lawyer Elena Bozza
My name is Elena Bozza and I have been practising as a lawyer specialised in customs law for over 15 years,
providing European companies with advice, assistance and legal counsel in administrative matters and before the courts. In my capacity as Counsel for the Legalitax law firm, specialised in tax law, I am in charge of the Customs Division. I live in Rome but work around the world without territorial limits, favouring digital instruments that make it possible to offer clients greater efficiency and a reduction of costs.